Deer Valley Hospice Care

Information for Healthcare Professionals About Our Hospice Care

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If you are a doctor, nurse, discharge planner or social worker and want to refer Deer Valley Hospice Care to a current patient, we want to make that process as smooth and easy as possible for both you and your patient.

Please follow the steps below.

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How to refer a patient to Deer Valley Hospice Care

If you have a patient who might be eligible for hospice care, please do the following:

  1. Please talk to the patient and family about your recommended care.  Please have the primary care physician or specialist write a hospice order to evaluate and admit, if appropriate. 
  2. Please fax the order to: (314) 521-3559  and upon receipt our nurse will reach out to the patient and family to schedule a hospice evaluation and admit, if appropriate.

If you have any questions about hospice eligibility please call (314) 396-2211 during office hours of 8:30 to 4:30.  After 4:30, please call (844) 337-3177.  Patient referrals are received 24/7.

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If you are a healthcare professional who is considering recommending our hospice care, please reach out to us today.

(314) 396-2211 or (816) 643-2500

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